News From The 2024 Annual Meeting
Read about our latest annual meeting.
One hundred and seventeen members joined us for this year’s virtual annual meeting on Monday, April 29, 2024, beginning at 6pm. President/CEO Paula O’Rourke spoke about the credit union’s financial performance and the journey to becoming Corda Credit Union, slated for May 6, 2024. She also took attendees through the year’s major project launches, including the financial coaching program, and the contributions we made to our communities. The board governance and nominations, audit, and finance committee chairpersons updated members on the milestones that their respective committees hit in 2023.
Voting for the candidates for the board of directors was held online from April 1 through April 24, and 499 members voted. Our incumbent directors agreed to run for election. Joyce Fowler, Loren Hartelt, and Jeralyn Westercamp were elected to serve three-year terms.